Stress Management for Teachers – Prevent Burnout

Stress Management for Teachers

Teachers are stressed because of their many responsibilities, and they often have to deal with challenging students, disruptive classrooms, and high stakes assessments. Additionally, teachers feel pressure to prepare students for college and careers and often feel overwhelmed.

Burnout is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive stress, and it can lead to depression, anxiety, and other health problems. Burnout is often caused by the challenges teaching professionals face, like working long hours, having too many responsibilities, and not having enough control over their work.

Most teachers think of burnout as a just state of being overworked, but it is a syndrome that has three components:

1. Exhaustion – feeling tired all the time, not having any energy, and feeling like you can’t keep going

2. Cynicism – a negative outlook on work, feeling like it’s not worth it, and feeling that your efforts are futile

3. Incompetence – feeling like you’re not good at your job and that you can’t do anything right

Stress management is the natural solution to burnout and managing stress, which this seminar aims to teach and promote. Stress and anxiety might have a detrimental impact on learning. Participants will learn how to help reduce and manage their stress, therefore increasing the quality of learning for their students. The course will, as a result, offer a hands-on approach to the most effective relaxation techniques that teachers may employ in and outside of the classroom.

Competences to be acquired:

  • Learn about the nature and characteristics of stress, as well as its causes and effects
  • Learn more about their stress response patterns through this course
  • Learn and practice concrete stress management strategies and tools
  • Learn how to use stress management techniques in the classroom (i.e., parent-teacher relationship, bullying, disruption, conflict)
  • Learn how to use simple relaxation and visualisation techniques to help relieve anxiety for teachers and students alike
  • Exchange ideas and discuss issues, as well as good exchange practises.
  • Collaboration and networking activities to make connections with individuals and organisations working in the education sector in Europe.

Teachers will leave the course with a thorough understanding of the most effective strategies for coping with stress and the ability to apply research-based techniques in their school setting or teaching workplace. Along with that, we will provide them with an e-book of best practices for using stress management. 

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