WEBINAR#006 – Part 2 – Powerful E+ project idea development

3 ways to make your E+ application more innovative!

In this second part of a series of webinars, we will tackle innovation – the part which is most important and which causes a lot of problems, especially to the new project developers.

I’m explaining my three tools which I use to make my project innovative and fundable

Why do you need this Webinar?

Be smart and develop E+ projects quickly and efficiently. In the past, I tried so many different methods to find a proper way to define the idea, structure it, test and then develop it into the project application. But in this process, I finally figured out what is most important in the project idea development.

In this webinar I’m explaining:

  • Why innovation is the most important part of the application?
  • What do you need to check when you developing it?
  • What tools do I use to prepare powerful and trustable innovation part of the application?
I teach the same topic on a 3-day hands-on seminar.

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