How can non-EU countries participate in full E+ KA20x project?
I’ve been asked again and again!
How can an organisation from (Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania .. or the USA) participate in our KA2 project?
Typically, you are writing KA2 with the E+ program countries (e.g. EU + North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and the United Kingdom until the end of 2020). But what about other countries?
In the past, I successfully include Bosnian partners. Actually, I introduced the first KA2 E+ project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I also manage to include partners from the USA and other countries. And I need to tell – these were the best projects.
So, what are the options if you want to do it as well?
In this webinar I explained:
- How you can include the partner countries (PC) organisation in any KA2 projects?
- What are the prerequisites for participation?
- What are the project ideas you can develop with them?
- What roles in the application PC partners should and shouldn’t have?
- Examples of the approved projects.
- Lessons learned when writing such a project.
In this webinar, you can find all the inside information on how to include the organisation from the partner’s countries, with the best practices in the development of such an application.
Enjoy watching and learning. And take your notes 🙂
These pictures are showing what I already did with partners from partners’ countries.