Showing: 11 - 20 of 21 RESULTS

Entrepreneurial skills – ability to build your analytical skills

In the digital age that we live in, in order to be able to run a business –either a start-up or large company- it is really important to acquire strong analytical skills; collecting, organizing, analyzing and interpreting data plays a key role in running successfully a business. It is clear to all entrepreneurs of all ages that data is a powerful weapon and, if used wisely, it can help them achieve their goals faster and more effectively and outrun the competition.

Entrepreneurial skills – outsourcing and sharing economy

There was a time in business when you needed to have all the knowledge. Carpenters had to build the whole house – from flooring, cabinetry to door installation. Now, markets have changed. Opportunities, due to the vast communication network, are now extensive. Some services, like coaching, once too expensive for the young entrepreneur, are now easily accessible

Entrepreneurial skills – never stop developing your business!

There are a million ways to do your business. One system is doing better than others, and over time, things are changing. Technology changes. Attitudes and preferences of customers changes. So, business owners should improve their business too. This is just as true for developing your business as it is for personal development. You can always do better after you went through the process of first development.

Entrepreneurial skills – the ability to recognise the opportunity

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in fostering economic growth, job creation and innovation to a nation. For entrepreneurship to happen, opportunity recognition must first happen. Opportunity recognition means proactively brainstorming a new business venture or expanding an idea. Entrepreneurial opportunity is difficult to define as it can mean different things to different people. In essence, it is a discovery of an idea to create new businesses and the search for information regarding market and technological possibilities. Opportunity is a deviation between current expectations and a potentially better situation; a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.

Entrepreneurial skills – constant learning habit

World’s highest achievers have one thing in common: it isn’t a high IQ, nor is it an incredible lucky streak, but their appreciation for constant learning through reading and practising. Education is the single best investment of our time that we can make. As Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” This insight is fundamental to succeeding in our knowledge economy, yet few people realise it. Luckily, once you understand the value of knowledge, it’s simple to get more of it. Just dedicate yourself to constant learning.

Entrepreneurial skills – Overcoming fear of failure

Fear of failure is the feeling of being afraid to carry out an activity to avoid any disappointment, anger, frustration or shame from not achieving a goal. People that usually have a fear of failure refuse to try new things, they procrastinate and talk in a non-respectful way to their own selves, and often they are also perfectionists.
One out of four startups fails because of the fear of failure. What is the one thing that the world’s greatest entrepreneurs all have in common? They aren’t afraid of failure. In fact, they embrace it! They are willing to fail and fail often. Successful entrepreneurs don’t crush it their first time up to bat…on average they fail almost 4 times before hitting one out of the park! (e.g. angry bird example).

Entrepreneurial skills – Ability of creative imagination

Creative imagination and goal visualisation is where it all begins if you want to increase the probability of reaching your goals. All top performers, regardless of profession, know the importance of picturing themselves succeeding in their minds before they actually do it in reality. Boxing legend Muhammad Ali was always stressing the importance of seeing himself victorious long before the actual fight. As a struggling young actor, Jim Carrey used to picture himself being the greatest actor in the world. These top performers, among many others, have mastered the technique of positive visualisation and openly credit it as a success tactic.